Anxiety and OCD Therapy in Texas & California

Improve well-being & restore calm.

You are trying your best, but life can be overwhelming.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the weight of anxiety, like an invisible anchor holding you back from the life you envision? Anxiety can weave threads of distress and uncertainty, casting a shadow on even the brightest moments. You might find yourself entrapped in a cycle of worry, where the simplest decisions become daunting tasks. The weight of anxious thoughts may distort your perspective, creating a persistent undercurrent of unease that colors your daily experiences. It's as if a relentless storm is brewing within, eroding the foundations of your well-being.

Emotionally, anxiety can manifest as a constant companion, whispering doubts and fears into your thoughts. Sleep may elude you, as restless nights become a battleground for racing thoughts. Physically, tension might grip your muscles, leaving you fatigued and drained. The relentless nature of anxiety can strain your relationships, making it challenging to connect authentically with others.

Picture a life where anxiety doesn't dictate your every move – where each step is a stride toward your own resilience and well-being. Through our work together, we'll uncover the tools and insights that will empower you to navigate through the storm of anxiety, fostering a recovery that leads to lasting peace and renewed possibilities.

You deserve a life free from the chains of anxiety, and I'm here to guide you.

You’re tired of feeling caught in this cycle:

  • Navigating the maze of worries, fears and “what ifs”

  • Envisioning the worst case scenario

  • Dealing with ruminating thoughts that are difficult to control

  • Feeling tired, overwhelmed, or stuck

  • Experiencing loss of sleep, focus or motivation

  • Chasing perfectionism

  • Waiting for the other shoe to drop

how i can help

Personalized therapy for a calmer life.

Embarking on the journey to overcome anxiety is a courageous step to a brighter, more fulfilling life, and I am here to guide you through this transformative path. 

As a seasoned psychotherapist, my approach is centered around you—your unique experiences, challenges, and aspirations. 

Together, we'll explore the roots of your anxiety, unraveling its complexities with empathy and insight. Through evidence-based therapeutic techniques, personalized strategies, and a safe, confidential space, we will collaboratively work towards building resilience and fostering sustainable recovery. 

You are not alone in this endeavor; I am committed to providing the support and tools needed to empower you on your journey to reclaiming a life free from the shackles of anxiety.

imagine if you…

Reclaim your inner peace

Picture a life where tranquility replaces the constant buzz of anxiety, allowing you to savor each moment without the weight of worry. You, in control, navigating life with a newfound sense of calm and balance.

Gain more control

Imagine a life where you are no longer held captive by anxiety, where each day unfolds with a sense of empowerment, and you hold the reins of your own narrative.

Experience greater life satisfaction

Envision a future where joy is no longer stifled by anxiety's grip. You, embracing life with enthusiasm and exuberance, unlocking the full spectrum of happiness and allowing your authentic, vibrant self to shine.

Change is possible.

It's time to take that brave step toward a brighter, calmer future – and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Types of anxiety

  • Generalized anxiety can feel like a persistent and unwelcome companion, weaving its way into various aspects of your life. You might find yourself constantly on edge, anticipating the worst outcomes in everyday situations. The weight of worry can manifest physically, with tension in your muscles, restlessness, and a racing heart.

    Everyday decisions may become overwhelming, and the constant "what-ifs" can create a loop of anxious thoughts that are challenging to escape.

    It's not just about occasional nervousness; it's a pervasive sense of apprehension that can impact your overall well-being.

    In therapy, you can explore coping mechanisms, identify triggers, and work towards managing the cycle of anxiety, ultimately regaining a sense of control and peace in your daily life.

  • Navigating the medical system can be a challenging journey, especially when coupled with the complexities of chronic pain and the anxiety surrounding medical procedures. If you've had negative experiences within the medical system, it can contribute to a heightened sense of apprehension and mistrust.

    Dealing with chronic pain adds an additional layer of difficulty, impacting various aspects of your life and making every medical encounter feel like a daunting challenge.

    The worry about medical procedures, whether it's a routine blood draw or a more complex surgery, can intensify anxiety and trigger anticipatory stress.

    In the face of these challenges, seeking support through therapy provides a space to unpack these experiences, process the emotional toll they've taken, and develop coping mechanisms to navigate both the medical system or the complexities of chronic pain with resilience and strength.

  • If you experience OCD, you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of obsessions — distressing, unwanted thoughts — and compulsions — repetitive actions performed to alleviate the anxiety associated with these thoughts. For example, you might fear contamination and engage in excessive handwashing.

    The compulsions, although providing temporary relief, are time-consuming and interfere with your ability to function. You might feel compelled to check things repeatedly, such as whether doors are locked or appliances are turned off. The distress caused by these obsessions and compulsions can be all-consuming, influencing your relationships, work, and overall well-being.

    Seeking support, such as therapy, is crucial for managing OCD. Therapy can help you develop effective coping mechanisms to regain control over your life - both your thoughts and the behaviors too.

  • Experiencing a panic attack can be an overwhelming and frightening ordeal where you feel an intense surge of fear or discomfort. Physically, you might notice a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, and an impending sense of doom. These sensations can appear suddenly and reach their peak within minutes, leaving you feeling out of control and terrified.

    Panic attacks may be triggered by specific situations or occur unexpectedly, and the fear of having another attack can lead to avoidance behaviors that impact your daily life.

    Seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, is crucial for understanding and managing panic. It provides a supportive space where you can explore coping strategies, identify triggers, and work towards minimizing the frequency and intensity of these distressing episodes, helping you regain a sense of control and peace in your life.

  • Are you in midlife, noticing that your anxiety is kicking up?

    Perimenopausal and menopausal anxiety can be a challenging aspect of this transitional phase in your life. During this time, you may find yourself grappling with heightened levels of anxiety that can manifest in various ways. For example, you might experience an increased sense of worry or unease about the future, accompanied by physical symptoms such as foggy memory, heart palpitations, and mood swings. Sleep disturbances and irritability can further contribute to the overall sense of unease.

    The hormonal fluctuations inherent in perimenopause and menopause can exacerbate anxiety symptoms, impacting your daily life and well-being. It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed or uncertain during this phase, but seeking support through therapy can play a crucial role in managing perimenopausal and menopausal mood symptoms.

  • You may feel shy in social situations. Or, have an overwhelming fear of judgment and negative evaluation by others when you consider stepping in front of a crowd to give a presentation. If you experience this type of anxiety, you might find that interacting with people, whether in small gatherings or larger crowds, triggers intense feelings.

    The fear of social interactions or performance related stress can significantly impact all aspects of your life, making it challenging to pursue social activities or engage in conversations.

    I can help you develop coping strategies, and gradually build confidence in social or performance situations, empowering you to navigate interactions more comfortably.

Ready to get started?

You are worth it.